I see God's hand at work - thank you for praying!

Check out all we’re doing at https://MorningMindsetMedia.com 

Mindi and I see so much of God’s hand in our recent experiences and are thankful that YOU are behind the scenes, praying for us!

Updates as of 5/10/2024


As you likely know by now, GracePoint church in Bismarck, ND has asked me to candidate as their Lead Pastor. We’ll be traveling to Bismarck from Colorado Springs (God willing) between May 17 and May 21st. During that visit, we will…

1) Spend time with staff and Elders

2) Engage in two different Q&A sessions with the church family as a whole.

3) I’ll preach on Sunday, during both morning Worship services.

4) Prayerfully trust the LORD as the congregation votes whether to call me as their Lead Pastor.

It’s my desire to be who the LORD has made me to be during our time there, to express fully and with His power and wisdom, the calling and heart He’s given me for my particular leadership of His church.

Please ask the LORD to grant us the energy, love, power, and spiritual strength we need to step into that context in a manner that gives Him great glory and brings about His will.


One of the many ways that people find a podcast like the Morning Mindset is through their podcast app. I recently had an employee of one of the more popular apps reach out to me, informing me of a new “ad type” they were going to be running in their app, and as a trial, they wanted to offer podcasters the opportunity to run some “free” ads for the period of May 6-20.

I applied for the program in the category of “Religion and Spirituality” and was chosen as the one to receive an ad in that category. Praise God!

So far, I haven’t seen much of an uptick in subscribers, but it’s also only 4 days into the ad campaign.

Could you add this free advertising campaign - which is going on now - to your prayers! I would LOVE to see the LORD bring many new people to an awareness of the Morning Mindset!


I think I’ve made it clear before, but I want to say it again just in case, I do not plan on stopping the recordings of the Morning Mindset once I become a Pastor.

But I WILL need lots of wisdom and clear boundaries to enable me to fulfill the responsibilities I have in both areas. I want to be faithful and diligent as a new Leader of God’s people within His church, AND I want to be faithful to carry on the work of the Morning Mindset according to His plan and purpose.

Lift up the work of the Morning Mindset as you always do, but please be mindful of my need for discernment, organization, and self-control in doing what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, so that everything is done decently and in order - for God’s glory!



Thank you so much for the work you do. This Morning Mindset is so refreshing to me and my daughter as I drive her to work every morning.

I am so thankful that the vision the LORD gave me for this podcast when I first started it is actually happening. I just KNEW that people could use an opportunity to draw near to the LORD during their “in between” times of preparation for the day (putting on makeup, commuting, exercising) and the LORD continues to use the MM to enrich people’s lives during those times.

Thank you for your prayers! You make this kind of thing a reality in the hearts of those who listen!

We would be happy to pray for you… Please hit reply and let me know how we can!

We love you friends,

Carey and Mindi